Wood Type Poster Printing

Create impactful large scale prints in this class focused on IPRC’s diverse collection of wood type. Gain advanced skills on our two large format poster presses while exploring the unique impression quality achieved with wood type. You’ll learn about the history of wood type and how it is made with a hands-on demonstration of wood type created with a DIY pantograph router. Leave the class with two large collaborative prints and a deeper appreciation for this historic art form.

Intro to Letterpress Class is not required, but recommended.
You must take the Intro to Letterpress class to gain access to the studio.
Students will be using light power tools with assistance
Evening Workshop 5-9 pm
COST: $75.00

Buy tickets for Wood Type Poster Press

4 Hours
6 Students
Students should be able to use light power tools with assistance (dremel)
IPRC should coordinate the space for power tool use – will be loud for 1 hr. during the class
Space should allow for wood shaving mess to be cleaned-up by the end of class