Pub Night at the IPRC: State of the Small Press & Dishwasher Pete Reading

Join us for our first ever Pub Night at the IPRC! 

At 6pm:

Enjoy a beer or a glass of wine and listen to what some of Portland’s small press heavy hitters have to say about the state of the small press.

Rhonda Hughes of Hawthorne Books, Kevin Sampsell of Future Tense Books, Michael Heald of Perfect Day Publishing and Cameron Pierce of Lazy Fascist Press will be in attendance and there will be time allowed for a Q&A.

At 7:30pm:

city of bikes

 Reading Frenzy presents In the City of Bikes: The Story of the Amsterdam Cyclist a reading and signing with author Pete “Dishwasher” Jordan! Pete Jordan, editor of Dishwasher Zine and author of Dishwasher: One Man’s Quest to Wash Dishes in All Fifty States, is headed back to Portland, one of his homes away from home, with a memoir that tells the story of his love affair with Amsterdam, the city of bikes, all the while unfolding an unknown history of the city’s cycling, from the craze of the 1890s, through the Nazi occupation, to the bike-centric culture adored by the world today. Pete’s work has been featured on public radio’s This American Life and in the New York Times. He lives in Amsterdam. Dishwasher Pete has contributed to the following episodes of the radio program This American Life:


Admission is free with the purchase of a book or a $3 donation to the IPRC, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Signed copies of In the City of Bikes are available for pre-order at

Beer and wine available for a small donation.