November 2014: Lady Bee’s Keeper’s Kanzine #3


Lady Bee grew up in the panhandle of Florida eating cold “Beanie-Weenies” straight out of the pull-top can. A twist of fate lured her to a Biodynamic Farm in Pennsylvania where she learned the basics of food preservation – canning, pickling, freezing, lacto-fermentation and dehydrating – from two exacting German ladies. By now, Bee’s been foraging, growing things, and putting food by for over two decades.

Making Keeper’s Kanzine scratches her creative itch and is the ideal format for channeling her innate squirreling tendencies: collecting the best bits she can find about food preserving, mashing them up and transforming them into a neat, sharable package. She wishes to extend BIG THANKS to the 20+ trusty & talented contributors who helped to make Keeper’s Kanzine #3 into the biggest & best issue yet!

Keeper’s Kanzine #4 is slated to be the “Grower’s Edition,” focused on year-round gardening west of the Cascades. Lady Bee lives in Olympia, WA, just north of town near the historic “Cannery Ranch,” with her adventurous husband and a cat named Zippy.
