Lithop & The IPRC



The IPRC is a proud participant of the second annual LitHop! The readings will start at all six venues promptly at 7 PM and run until 9:45 PM. Each reader will be reading for about 15 minutes, and at the end of each hour there will be a 15 minute break for drinks, carousing, buying books, and getting to your next venue if you like. So three readers per hour for about three hours, 7:00-9:45, in six different venues. That’s fifty-four readers in approximately 165 minutes! Since this is a veritable literary pub crawl, we strongly encourage everyone to bounce around from reading to reading! There will be LitHop representatives handing out our program/map on the streets that night. Each of the six participating series’— Hawthorne Books, The IPRC, alice blue, Eraserhead Press, Unchaste Readers, and Publication Studio—have invited a slew of amazing readers, so be sure to try and catch as many of them as you can! See you there on June 12th—and please let us know if you have any questions at! The IPRC reading will be at Ampersand Gallery & Books Here is our line up:



7pm: Zach Auburn

7:15: Joshua Amberson

7:30: Moe Bowstern
8pm: Natalie Briggs
8:15: Emily Kendal Frey
8:30: Noland Chaliha
9pm: Justin Hocking
9:15: Martha Gorver
9:30: Michael Heald