We’re excited to announce the first issue of our new community zine
GHOST PRINT. This zine is made up of work from the IPRC community, made both in the studio and at home. A big reason we made this zine is because we miss being together in the studio and creating work side by side. This zine provides one piece of that experience– getting to see each other’s work! <3
We are planning to release GHOST PRINT every month and would love to feature your visual art and writing!
Keep a lookout for the submission form coming soon and an announcement on instagram.
Have fun reading!
~Marissa, Gabby, & Emmy
Limited quantity of physical copies available to pick up at the IPRC (318 Se Main St. #155) for free or donation. Please call the front desk at 503 827 0249 during open hours (Monday-Tuesday, and Thursday- Saturday 12-6pm)