All Witches Rise: Which is Witch Reading and Fundraiser for pagan prisoners!


All Witches Rise: Which is Witch Zine release

Wednesday, Oct. 29th 7pm

IPRC 1001 SE Division

The third issue of the Which is Witch zine is out just in time for Halloween! Born and bred right here at the IPRC, the zine illustrates what it means to be a witch in the modern world. Come get your mystic pride shined up while raising money for the Pagan Prison Gathering at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. Performers include zine founders Amanda Blix & Rhea Wolf, plus Moe Bowstern, Alexa Weinstein and more. Hear the truth about Halloween, stories of the great beyond, and songs for those who’ve died. Raffle prizes, food, witchcraft, and kombucha!

The Pagan Gathering group at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility is a volunteer-run pagan service that occurs each Sunday evening. It is in dire need of books for the pagan section at the Chapel library, a hoop drum for services, subscriptions to pagan publications, and funds for ritual celebrations. By coming to this event, you can support this work and get prisoners what they need! Help one of the only weekly prison pagan groups in Oregon continue to serve incarcerated women.

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