24 Hour Zine Challenge
Who has time to make a zine? YOU!
Calling all zinesters who are up for a challenge! Participants in the
6th annual 24 Hour Zine Challenge are dared to complete a 24-page zine
in 24 straight hours.
There will be music, refreshments, materials and zine comrades to keep
you fueled as we hunker down in the IPRC. To prepare for this
Olympic-style event, get sponsors to support you, who in return for
their pledge of $10 or more, will receive a copy of your completed 24
Hour zine!
Sponsored by the Independent Publishing Resource Center, in addition
to generous local businesses.
Spots are still available, but pre-registration is required. Email
pdxzines@gmail.com to sign up.
(12pm-12pm July 5/6, IPRC, $5, light dinner/breakfast/materials included)