An Evening with Inara Verzemnieks and Jenny Boully

imgres-2On Thursday, March 5th, Inara Verzemnieks and Jenny Boully will read nonfiction works. This event is co-sponsored by IPRC and Marylhurst Reading Series. The doors open at 7 pm for a reception, and the reading begins promptly at 7:30 pm.

Jenny Boully is the author of OF THE MISMATCHED TEACUPS, OF THE SINGLE-SERVING SPOON: A BOOK OF FAILURES (Coconut Books, 2012), NOT MERELY BECAUSE OF THE UNKNOWN THAT WAS STALKING TOWARDS THEM (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2011), The Book of Beginnings and Endings (Sarabande, 2007), [ONE LOVE AFFAIR]* (Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2006), THE BODY: AN ESSAY (Essay Press, 2007, and Slope Editions, 2002), and the chapbook Moveable Types (Noemi Press, 2007). Her work has been anthologized in The Next American Essay, The Best American Poetry, Language for a New Century, and Great American Prose Poems. Born in Thailand and reared in Texas, she teaches nonfiction and poetry at Columbia College Chicago.

Inara Verzemnieks’s writing has appeared in such publications as The New York Times Magazine, Tin House, The Atlantic, and Creative Nonfiction. She’s been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the recipient of a Rona Jaffe Writer’s Award. She currently lives and teaches in Corvallis as a visiting assistant professor in creative nonfiction with OSU’s MFA program. Her first book, a memoir, is forthcoming from W.W. Norton.