Caren Beilin, Jessica Alexander, Rachel Levy and Adam Peterson reading!

To celebrate the recent publication of her award-winning novel The University of Pennsylvania, Caren Beilin will be reading at the IPRC on Sunday, March 15th at 7 PM! Doors will open at 6:30 and the reading should last for an hour. Other readers will include Jessica Alexander, Rachel Levy and PDX’s own Adam Peterson.

Over at Bookslut read a recent interview with Caren here and find bios for each reader below—hope to see you on March 15th at 7:00!

Caren Beilin’s novel, The University of Pennsylvania, came out this past November with Noemi Press. Her fiction chapbook, Americans, Guests, or Us, is available from DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press. She currently lives in Salt Lake City, teaching and writing, and is from Philadelphia.



Jessica Alexander teaches and studies at the University of Utah.  Her fiction has appeared in Denver Quarterly, Fence, DIAGRAM, and Pank, among other places.  She is currently a fiction editor for Quarterly West.


Rachel Levy’s fiction has been published in journals such as Fence, Gigantic, and Similar:Peaks::. Her first novel, I Shut Myself Up, is forthcoming from Caketrain. She lives in Salt Lake City where she is a PhD student at the University of Utah and an administrative fellow for the Fiction Collective Two. Along with Lily Duffy, she edits DREGINALD.


Adam Peterson is the author of The Flasher, My Untimely Death, and, with Laura Eve Engel, the co-author of [SPOILER ALERT]. His short fiction can be found in The Kenyon Review, Indiana Review, The Normal School, The Southern Review, and elsewhere.

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